• If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's care, please speak to their teacher or center director. Do not hesitate to ask questions. We are here to help you and your family. Our goal is to provide a safe and happy environment for each child. When parents practice these guidelines and work cooperatively with the center, this makes it easier to do.

Items To Bring

  • - An extra set of clothes (socks, underwear, pants/shorts, and shirt) will remain in your child’s cubby at school. These clothes should be switched out regularly due to size and weather changes.
  • - We provide sheets and a blanket at nap time. If you would like to send a blanket with your child you are welcome to.

Don’t forget

  • - To sign your child in and out daily.
  • - Empty your child’s cubby each day. Their work is important to them.
  • - Important information will be sent home through your child’s cubby.
  • - If your child will be absent for any reason, you must notify the center.
  • - Label your child’s clothing and belonging. The teachers try their best to keep things in order, but there may be multiple items being washed at once.

For their safety, we discourage wearing

  • - Open-toed shoes. Children may hurt themselves outside while playing outdoors.
  • - Dress shoes. These shoes may be uncomfortable, unsafe for climbing, or slippery.
  • - Jackets, sweatshirts, or hoods with string. These can be a choking hazard.
  • - Dresses or skirts unless they have shorts on underneath. This is for their personal privacy.

Keep in mind

  • - Your child is at the center to learn through play. This means they will get dirty. Please do not send your children in clothing that you would want to see ruined.
  • - The center does not allow toys from home to be brought in. This includes toys with weapons on them, action figures, etc. Even the items kept in children’s cubbies can create problems. Alternative transitional items parents may use can be; books, blankets, stuffed animals to be used during naptime.
  • - During summer months, please put sunscreen on your child each morning. Be sure to cover their entire torso so they are protected during water play.
